Monday, April 8, 2019

McDonald's Acquisition of Dynamic Yield - Software Continues to Eat the World

Last month, McDonald's made headlines by announcing it's largest acquisition in over 20 years, dishing out $300M for seven year old Dynamic Yield. A noteworthy move by the fast food giant that requires a second look:
Below listen to CEO Steve Easterbrook speak about the acquisition:

Items that stand out:
1. Mass personalization as opposed to mass generalization is the future of the service industry. No two menus will be the same, each customer will see entirely different ordering options much the same way two users see different Google search results now. This applies to all customer facing applications... on mobile, at a self order kiosk in a physical store, or on the drive thru.  

2. Software continues to eat the world. Algorithms replace repetitive human labor. What was once run entirely by labor intensive humans will not be digitized. The future looks something more like: Driver A's autonomous vehicle moves into McDonald’s drive through lane, a video monitor recognizes the car license plate or face of the driver. Software then quickly determines the personal preferences favor healthy options and there is only one occupant in the car. As the vehicle approaches the ordering screen, the menu will display salad options more prominently. 

3. Buzzword BINGO will never die. Listen to the video above to hit your letters... 'intelligent menu boards' / 'data mining' / 'digital platform' / 'personalized experience' /... even Amazon got a name check! 

Below is the original article written by Marc Andreessen in 2011:                                                       "Why Software is Eating the World"

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